Monday, January 25, 2016

Los Molinos 3 - Great week

Los Molinos 3 - Great week - Pres. Corbitt, Elder Guzman, Samoi Sierra Family

What a week!

We had interviews with President on Thursday. He's such an inspired man and it's really cool how with just a couple words and advice, he can give you this motivation and peace that's hard to explain sometimes. He helped me with some answers I needed and more importantly how to end my time here in the mission on a high note and do everything I can to take advantage of this important part of my 2 years.

Oh, you know -- just the cliché picture of my comp with Elder Lopez and Elder Carillo after Internet time last week because, hey ... sunset!


And that's exactly what we're doing right now. Elder Guzman and I are trying to dedicate our all in the area of Los Molinos. It's gigantic, actually one of the areas where the mission is thinking about putting bikes in. Cause we walk like machines here. It'd be sweet to get a bike but the whole helmet head thing and the CRAZY motorcyclists might not be too fun. But we'll see how it all turns out. 

The hill from "down below" - you know, H-E-double hockey sticks?

Ayways, we set a marriage date with the Samboi Sierra family in the marriage office this week for the 26th. They're progressing really well towards the 30th which is a Noche Blanca we'll be having as a whole mission. In every zone, all the missionaries are trying to prepare as many people as they can so they can end their time as investigators and officially become members of the Church on the same night. Really cool.
We're also trying to put another marriage date with the Rosado Family, the parents of a returned missionary. They're so happy and the dad before the lesson we had with them on Thursday actually proposed to his "girlfriend of more than 20 years" haha. They're so happy and we're just getting everything figured out with the papers and birth certificates.

A SUPER good lunch we all made. Chopped and grilled chicken with lasagna sauce, green olives, and a bunch of other spices and whatever we could find. Even though it cost us a BUNCH of money, it's completely worth it - even if we have to live off black beans and rice for a couple days  :,)

We also got a PREPARED reference from Santiago two weeks ago named Angelina. We've been teaching her and her family (mother and older brother). We had an intensly spiritual lesson with them about family history work.  Now the son - maybe together with the mother - are gonna be coming to church next week.

An exchange we had with Elder Celaya and Elder Daniels in Valiente. Super sweet. A lot of planes are heard because it's right next to the airport so, ya' know, during the lessons whenever I heard jet engines I tried not to look up or get distracted. Seeing planes is a great way to either 1) get super, super motivated or 2) end up thinking about home for the rest of the day.

I'm just happy that things are turning out the way they have been. The mission is changing. And even though we went through a very difficult patch for a while, we're seeing the results of the obedience and hard work we're putting in. 
Love you guys. Have a great week.

Elder Graff

We decapitated a HUGE centipede during Sunday lunch with a member family. We were all eating together at the table talking and just having a good time and luckily I saw this guy booking it at the feet of the father. I forgot in the moment how to say "centipede" and so I just started yelling "Ten cuidado" and pointing like a missionary of 4 months. He lifted up his foot just in time to save him from a trip to the hospital cause these things are super poisonous. But everything turned out good and the rice tasted even better.

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