Monday, January 25, 2016

Los Molinos 2 - I Love Los Molinos

 Los Molinos 2 - I Love Los Molinos

How about that buzz cut though? Heard that there's this thing called a selfie stick that people use to take selfies. Don't think I need it though with my orangutan arms. 

Well,it's official. I love Los Molinos. 

It honestly reminds me so much of Boca Chica and the people are super, super receptive. Sure there's the hard days but we're working smart and teaching more with the members. We found a ton of new people, including a family of a recently returned missionary that are super prepared. It's been so cool just in these last two weeks to see their desire. They're planning on getting married soon, we think at least from what we've heard. We'll be teaching about the Law of Chastity, the "big lesson" haha, on Wednesday. But we think that this time around they're going to do it. Because it's been crazy to see how much they've changed from the testimony they have of the Gospel now. 

We took a 2 hour trip we took to La Romana, the farthest zone in the mission to do an exchange with Elder Breshears (who was in the house with me in Boca Chica) and Elder Blunt from my group. It was the first time I had been to what they call "campo" which is super rural. There are wild horses that cross the road and a lot of people live in basically nothing. Really humbling to see but a super cool group of people with STORIES to tell.


ELDER BRESHEARS -the one and only -straight from the potato fields of Idaho. Honestly had one of the best days of my mission with this guy.

We've also been working with the Del Vier family a bit. They were a family that Elder Guzman and his companion found about a week before I came to the area. The father is a "metaphysician" or something like that (don't really know the translation from Spanish). But basically he believes in things like reincarnation and focuses on the unseen spiritual aspect of life. He was having a hard time feeling the Spirit and noticing when the Spirit was present. So Elder Guzman and I prayed our hearts out and prepared a really powerful lesson with Brother Benaut from Haiti. That man has a testimony of gold. Right after we ended with a prayer, Luis kind of stopped for a little and we could tell something was happening. And that's when he told us, "I feel it." He described to us that every lesson he kind of felt that way. But that this time, he noticed. Almost as if it was a current running through his body in his words, he felt the confirmation that what we were saying is true. He LOVES the plan of Salvation now and instead of seeing the differences in our religion, he's noticing the common ground. And how the message we're teaching him will bring him and his family something more. Him and his wife both accepted to be baptized on the 20th of February. It won't be easy and I'm sure there will be plenty of hurdles we'll have to get over with all the people we're teaching. But we're seeing the miracles in the mission and in our area. We're teaching by the inspiration of God. And that's really how it should be.

David and Goliath (aka Elder Lopez and "Junior"). Just like in the Bible, David won. 

I testify that this church is true. I love serving the Lord and it honestly gives me more than the little sacrifices I may be giving. I hope you all have a great week - and my email box is always open because I don't exactly have any other way to say "what's up" haha.

Elder Graff

Family Home Evening with the family of the returned missionary. We played a game called "Little Cute Cat" which sounds super weird and it kind of is but it's hilarious. We got the idea from the bishop. It's basically where someone in the room starts off imitating a cat and the first person to laugh has to be the cat. Super simple but when we got done with the lesson and we were waiting for the refreshments we played it and I was crying I was laughing so hard.

That buzz cut though. I got the first buzz of my entire life from a barber (who had tripped out when I asked him to cut with scissors because he didn't know how to). So instead, he just shaved all my hair off. But it's cool   :)

 John 16:13 "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into ALL truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that he shall speak: and he will shew you things TO COME".

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