Monday, July 27, 2015

Santo Domingo (Espaillat) 1 - Everyone Has Their Moment

Santo Domingo (Espaillat) 1 - Everyone Has Their Moment

So the goodbyes Monday night were the hardest of all these last 7 days. Frank and Eliany bought me some sweet socks as a surprise present and Maireny and her family made us some juice. Its going to be nice though because I'll be able to send letters over to my old area often to the members and stuff because I see Elder Maatatia every Thursday still - hahaha.
Two of the families I said goodbye to Monday night. Really gonna miss them all a lot. My camera ran out of battery so I didn't get to take pictures with Frank and Eliany, Maireny and a couple other members but it's all good.

But anyway, the new area is great, though a lot different than my old area size-wise. More than 100 active members in the ward! Lots of great investigators.  And my companion, Elder Cornejo, is great - really in tune with the Spirit. We're working hard and trying to do everything we can to improve this area and work well with the members. Lots of great investigators and the lessons we had this week went GREAT. Really feeling comfortable and just trying to get used to everything. 

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. Even though I was packing my bags in the morning and in the process of transfers the majority of the day (because Elder Maatatia's new comp got in super late from an area SUPER far away), Elder Cornejo and I pigged out on some hamburgers and fries at the end of the night which was a great way to celebrate.
Birthday GRUB!

Wanted to share a short experience that I had this week real quick cause I don't have tons of time. So we're teaching an investigator named Wilson. He's been an investigator since he was learning from the elders 6 months ago, and we were thinking of giving him a little time to decide if he wants to really embrace the message we preach or not. We taught him about the Holy Ghost, explaining to him how important of a guide it is in our life and the blessings we receive when we follow its counsel. As we were leaving to go back home for the night, he called out to us in his broken English and I turned around to hear him say "Elders, don't forget about me. I need your help!"  It was something so simple but it hit me really hard. Made me realize even more that no matter who it is, everyone is able to change and put their lives in tune with the teachings of Christ. That even though some people might not be ready today, tomorrow, or even a year from now, that EVERYONE will have the perfect moment to accept it or not.
Elder Cornejo and I decided to visit one of our investigators that had a surgery recently in the hospital. He's super excited about being there as you all can see -hahaha. But, he's really awesome. Should be getting married and later on baptized in the beginning of August depending on his recovery progress. I actually did an exchange with Elder Cornejo when I was with Elder Maatatia and we taught him and his wife. Really prepared guy. 
I'm absolutely enjoying the mission. Every single day. It's making a huge difference in my life and in the lives of others all around me. What a privelege it is to be out here.

Love you all,

Elder Graff

Hebrews 9:28

"So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that LOOK for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation"

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