Monday, August 1, 2016



Yet another Pday in the DR.

I just wanted to apologize, everyone that still reads these letters, that I wasn't able to write last week. We just didn't have any time at all in email for a trip that we made to Los Molinos, one of my old areas.

Moreno, the coolest colmado owner alive. He went to church actually since I left. We worked my entire three months to get him to church while I was there and he was never able to go. But he's doing really well and who knows where the seed God planted in him will take him.

He's the coolest guy though.

Let me tell you, probably one of the most rewarding days in all of my mission. We got up super early, cleaned the house really well and did all our studies and everything. Left right at 10A and spent the ENTIRE P-day over in Las Americas. We got to visit so many people. Preciado, Dashmin, Anell, Familia Rosado, Familia Hernandez, the family of Angelina, Waldo and his brother Saulo, Familia Florián and some members along the way. It filled my heart with so much joy and happiness to see all of them strong in the Gospel and taking the next steps such as entering into the temple, preparing to be sealed as a family and talking about mission service. There is NO BETTER FEELING in the entire world than to see the fruits of this message in the lives of people you love. NO BETTER FEELING. It's better than a walk off home-run, winning State, playing music in front of the biggest crowd, anything that the world can give you. And it is hands-down the number 1 reason why mission service is so satisfying. 

Yeah, it's difficult sometimes. There are some days that with so many things that go wrong, fallen-through lessons, rejections and fallbacks into addictions, that you just want to grab your hair sit in a corner and feel sorry for yourself. Cause failure is really really tough. You just want to so much for the people you teach, you want that fairy-tale ending for them and you KNOW just how much they'll be blessed to make the right decision. And when they, after so many lessons, testimonies and spiritual success, decide NO, it's one of the toughest things in the world. But to push through all of it and see the seeds planted months later, is tremendous. And it was one of the best P-days of my mission.
Anell!!! He and Dashmin are best friends. He's also a really cool story. Just a great guy and while we were there, he described to us just how happy he's been since he found the church. 

DASH! Dashmin is doing amazing! He's planning on moving back to Haiti in about three months but he's prepping to serve a mission before he turns 19! He truly is a miracle and has a strong testimony of the Gospel.

LA FAMILIA FLORIAN!!!!  Liz's husband, Junior, finally found a job! He was really depressed about his situation and just without any confidence for about 2 weeks. He wouldn't even get out of bed to do anything. The missionaries called President Corbitt to ask if he could visit him. He went out to Los Molinos and visited their beautiful family. He talked with Junior and made him some promises depending on his efforts and work. That same day, Junior decided to try again and after a week found a GREAT job as an electrician in a new buisness. They gave his family a work car, and there's just so many blessings they've seen. Their testimony has grown and Junior is finally going to church. Just amazing what God can do in our lives.

It was hard because I couldn't see everyone I loved in Los Molinos for work, vacation and such like Enrique, Angelina, Elkin, and many more. But I know I'll see them again soon.

Los Minas is going really well. Amauris and Naomi have had some troubles and opposition with their marriage with his mother in law that came in from the United States at the WORST time possible to plant doubts and everything into their decision. But we're going to have a powerhouse spiritual lesson tonight to see if they stay firm or look back. It's going to be a trial of faith, but that's the best way to gain a testimony of making the right choice. Jaris and Miguelito are doing amazing. We're preparing for their baptism this weekend if all runs smoothly and seeing small miracles in the midst of so much difficulty. 
Kind of a blurry picture (ironically right where my face is hahaha). But the Hernandez Family. Wow, they've changed so much. They've truly been protected and guided by God in the months that I didn't see them. Progressing and doing great. It was the best to be able to see them.

La Familia Rosado! Even though Alejandro was only there when I visited, it was still so great to catch up with him about his family. His sons, Guillermo and Nelkin found jobs and are working with the skills they adquired on their missions. But they're doing well with callings in the church, visiting the temple and such. A really blessed family.

Preciado is doing really well in the Gospel. For being 93, the man is a complete trooper. Soon as I saw him he said "Elder Graff!! Hey, sabe que? Ya no estoy usando mis muletas!" He had crutches when we were with him and apparently, after all of the health problems he still has, his feet are doing better and uses a cane instead now. Fancy hahaha.

I'm so grateful for the decision I made to serve a mission. It's blessed my life in so many ways and I know this last month of mission service will teach me things I need to improve.

I hope you all have a great week. I love you all so much.

Elder Graff

We went out for sushi for my birthday as well. The BEST meal I've had in two years. Words can't explain how much I MISS SUSHI.

In the car with Waldo and Saulo. Even though we couldn't see Yokasta, his mom, beacuse she was working, their family is doing better than ever. Waldo went to EFY and is super motivated with the Gospel. He's actually preparing to do the work for his father in the temple next month. But just a great family that's progressing so well.

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