Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Los Minas 6 - Only 4 Minutes to Write!

Los Minas 6 - Only 4 Minutes to Write!

So I have 4 minutes left now before I have to leave internet! We have a temple trip as a mission, my last before I leave, this week so we only have half of a P-day.

But this week was really spiritual. Full of a lot of small miracles. Gabriel and Dariel were both able to be baptized! It was a rich experience and both families were there to support. We're just working with the rest of the family to try and see the potencial they all have.

Amauris and Naomi are really excited about the Church. They're loving it and we threw a surprise party for Amauris' birthday after the baptism on Saturday. It was awesome. We'll be talking about them getting married in July tomorrow with a member family. They've got a ton of potential.

The work is going great here in Los Minas. The members are really helping out a lot and God is fulfilling his promises because we're trying to work hard always. I know this church is true and that we'll be blessed for good decisions.

Love you all. I'll write more next week and send lots of pictures because I've been "flojo" about that lately.

Elder Graff

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