Sunday, June 19, 2016

Los Minas 5 - Changes - Two Year Dream

Los Minas 5 - Changes, Two Year Dream

Sometimes, I really think twice about writing on Monday because every time I leave the Internet Center having read letters from home and first, my head is spinning for about ten minutes just from the amount of CHANGES and mission calls and marriages and all that has happened.  

Feels sometimes like I'm honestly in a two year dream.

But I'm super happy and stoked for all the good decisions and changes a lot of my friends and loved ones are making so even though I'm trying not to focus too much on all that, I just wanted to say congrats!

Back to the mission work, Elder Reyes and I are having a blast and working smart and really good together. It's been amazing to be in this area. To arrive with so little blanking to having a lot of really good people we're teaching has kept me humble and reminded constantly of who really is in charge of the mission work and who causes the changes in the hearts of the people.

The ward is slowly growing. Amauris and his family are doing great. Almost all my pages in my agenda are full with stick figures and houses drawn in highlighter by their 2 and 4 year old kids! A super awesome family. The ward is really excited for them and they're loving Church. The other investigators are doing well also. Rosagni and Gabriel are really excited for this weekend. They've been making big changes in their families with their example at such a young age. Both families are inactive in the church, now starting the process of coming back. The father of Gabriel who isn't a member, when he heard that he could give his son the Priesthood at age 12, got a whole lot more excited about the message and his role in his son's life. It's been sweet to see how ready they are and excited to follow in the footsteps of our Savior. Things really are going better than ever. Ready as always for opposition. But I know the Lord will provide a way to plant the spiritual seeds we need to.

I love Los Minas and this country and everyone who lives here. Being half-Dominican now, I've grown an appreciation so big for these people and my brothers and sisters here. It's been a long and difficult road. But to see the things I have in this last year, every difficulty has been worth it.

Have a great week. Always be grateful for family and friends and for all the blessings that God gives us each day.

Elder Graff

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