Sunday, April 3, 2016

Los Molinos 12B - Photo of P-Day w President

Los Molinos 12B - Photo of P-Day w President 

Well, it might possibly be sideways but here's the only picture of the week. Unfortunately, it's not of the baptisms (because my comp's camera is pretty nice and he doesn't want to damage it sending pictures in really sketchy internet centers). But hopefully, we'll have those pictures soon.  Yesterday, I went golfing with some other missionaries and President Corbitt. For anyone that knows me, besides mini golf, I have never played a real game of golf in my entire life. And I'm awful. So this story kind of matches the same lesson as Elder Bryant Black's for the week.

Elder Aplanalp and I were playing against Pres Corbitt and his friend. We were playing something called "best shot". You basically both shoot and then take the best spot out of the two for every shot until you make it in the hole. 

At the beginning I was terrible. Terrible.  The first drive I had, I almost hit a window 300 feet to the right of the course. It was really hard for me, especially because I'm really competitive. I remember I was a bit depressed trying not to show it and just trying to enjoy it. But it's really hard to have fun doing something you're not good at. So, I began to look at Elder Aplanalp when he was swinging. His form, the way he gripped the club, every little detail. I started to have not horrible swings. At first, I would hit the ball straight but only like 30 feet which isn't good at all. The ball would kind of just bounce off the tee, but at least it wasn't three hundred feet to the right:) Then I started to get a hold of the ball again, but it was still cutting right into the trees, or left into the bushes. That's pretty much how it was the entire game until the last hole. After 8 HOLES of pretty bad playing, I actually had decent swings. A good drive, a clutch chip, and almost made a 50 foot putt to tie the game! Even though we lost by one stroke and I really didn't contribute much, I learned how to defend myself in golf. Even though the next game will be months in the future, it might be a bit of a repeat,at least I won't be as bad as I was when I started. And that's why being competitive is important. Not to contend with other people or compare yourself with others as much (even though a bit of friendly trash talking is fun). Rather by comparing yourself with yourself and being the best "you" you can. We have to accept that we'll have successes as well as fails. We'll be good at some things and worse at others. But we have a whole life to perfection ourselves. And we must learn how to enjoy learning.

There's the Elder Graff going all deep thinking motivational for the week!

Have a great one!

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