Saturday, June 27, 2015

Villa Agricolas 12 - Maireny Baptism

Villa Agricolas 12 - Baptism of Maireny.  The Flood!

HEY EVERYBODY! (or the people that are still reading these after almost 9 months of the boring stories of Elder Graff)

Hope you guys have all been great and that life is wonderful for each and every single one of you.

I've been really, really happy. Elder Maatatia and I are having the time of our lives in Villa Agricolas. He's the best companion I think I've ever had. I seem to say that about every comp I get but we get along great and work super hard. 
So in addition to teaching a lot of great spiritual lessons, having a family that lives literally right in front of the church come for the first time on Sunday in their entire lives with many visits from the missionaries, and tons of special experiences, we were really trying to prepare Maireny for her baptism that happened on Saturday. 
With Marialuisa and her family at the baptism. They are very faithful members that helped us a lot in the teaching of Maireny.

As the day was getting closer and closer, every time we'd pass by, even to say hi, she would always mention how excited she was for that day. We were hoping on a lot of people coming, she was reading a lot in the Book of Mormon, and we were all just waiting for Saturday. Well, the day came and in the morning for our studies, Elder Maatatia and I went to go fill the baptisimal font. We waited until it was full, turned off the faucet, and then went to work visiting the people we had planned for the day. We were calling everyone, making sure it was all set up for the night, and then I had "san cocho", which is this amazing soup, for the first time in my mission (definitely won't be the last), at Maireny's house with a family from the ward.
At about 4 o clock we were passing the church on the way to another lesson, everything all ready, and I just felt that we needed to check the font. I told Elder Maatatia and we opened the gate and walked up to the door. I put the key in and as I opened the door, a small wave of water spilled out onto my shoes. I looked inside the church to find a puddle of 3 inches of water sprawled across the ENTIRE chapel!! The baptism was in three hours and with the chapel completely flooded, we immediately called our ward mission leader (Juan Carlos) and told him what was up. He came running over and we were working like mad dogs to try and get the water out. I was on broom duty with two brooms basically running down the hallway, pushing a wall of water out the two open doors and out of the sacrament room. Elder Maatatia had the mop and Juan Carlos was on his knees with a towel, pushing out the water and wringing out what got absorbed when he was pushing. 

I know my English is awful and that probably wasn't the most interesting explanation, but I wish we would`ve had our cameras to video it so you could better see what this was like. It was hands down the most stressful, funny, and embarrassing moment of my entire mission. But after 2 long hard hours, the chapel was dry again and looked pretty good if I do say so myself. We basically just did a deep clean of the church.  We joked with the Branch President when he came that no one has to clean the church for a year because we basically "baptized" the chapel instead of Maireny. And the only damage was a cardboard box that had a bunch of garbage in it because luckily all the electronics were off the ground and its a tile-floor church. Lets just say I won't make the mistake of turning the faucet the wrong way and leaving it on full blast (instead of "off") ever again! (insert by Jordan Graff: sounds like the faucet control was in another room from the actual font and spigot, like I experienced in Ecuador, so you don't actually see the spigot and water flow when turning on / off)
Elder Mattatia and I and Elder Alba with Maireny. She brought her 2 and 4 year old all dressed up in tuxedos, basically. It was sweet! They definitely beat me out for the title of best dressed!  (Sorry for the low quality pictures. It was night time and we didn't exactly have the most skilled photographer taking the pictures:)
With President and Sister Corbitt

But the baptism was so great. Our Mission President came, and we had some members and investigators there. The Spirit was so strong and she was really happy. Elder Alva my old companion was able to come as well as another companionship that works in Capotillo. We did a special musical number and it was a night to remember. I was able to confirm her the next day at church, too and we had 62 people there (with our average attendance of 41) -- we almost didn't have enough chairs. She felt very supported and we're hoping the best for her here on out. It was another great experience and I'm so glad I was called to this area to preach the Gospel. 
Sorry for the low quality pictures. It was night time and we didn't exactly have the most skilled photographer taking the pictures  :)

With each day that I live out here, I come to the realization more and more of my purpose as a missionary. Looking back on where I was when my flight landed in this country to now, it's like I'm living in a completely different world. I've come to love this people and this Gospel in missionary service in my second home. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love it.

And I'm happy.

I miss you all so much and shout out to all the people that got mission calls this past week. You'll all do great.

Signing out,

Elder Graff

Matthew 28: 19-20 
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

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