Villa Agricolas 14 - Happy Father's Day!
Even though you and the family were in Puerto Rico without me living the life for a week, I love you so much and hope that your Father's day was the best one ever. You mean the world to me and you're the real MVP (First American reference I think I've ever used in any of my letters).
(Insert from Jordan Graff: I included this photo of Taylor as a little boy with his Grandfather C. Terry Graff. I love this picture of both Taylor and his Grandpa)
This past Wednesday, we watched "Meet the Mormons" as a branch. Probably one of the coolest documentaries I've ever seen in my life. Really cool stories about 6 individuals completely unique and different from each other but with one thing in common: Their love for Christ and their families. I almost went through the water works at the end though about the Mom with her son that left on the mission. But I kept strong and didn't need one Kleenex.
Photo of Taylor w some of the members sent by Juan Carlos, the Ward Mission Leader (center)
Martin is doing really well. We had a lesson with him and his family last night about the Word of Wisdom. We had his entire family there too. His wife and son which are both less actives and all three of his daughters who are superstars in the church. As we were teaching, I was thinking of an example I could use because I love using examples in lessons and it just works way better to teach. They had a rose in their house. Elder Maatatia and I started asking what kind of things they give the rose to help it grow and be healthy. They started naming off "Water, sun, fertilizer, nutrients". I asked if bleach would be something that'd help the flower grow. Or rat poison maybe. A little bit of shower cleaner. They looked at me really weird until they finally understood the example. Us, as human beings, we're the rose. We have amazingly made bodies, precious gifts, from our Heavenly Father. He trusts us to take care of them. And when we use substances such as alcohol, tobbaco, drugs, we're giving bleach and other harmful substances straight to the roots of our personal growth. Even though we may not notice it because the effects may not be immediate, every choice we make that deals with the Word of Wisdom will affect our lives in some shape or form. We set some great goals with him and his family and we're really excited for his progress in the Gospel.
Had some sushi for the first time in 8 months and just about died. Heaven.
Rudy and William are also doing well. They've both been going to church constantly and they're really showing us that they want this in their lives. We also planned a branch temple trip for this Thursday and Frank and Eliany, Maireny, as well as Erika (a less active in our area that has been coming to church for the past 7 sundays) are all going to do temple work with the branch.We're doing great. To see how God has worked with this branch and how it's improved little by little is such a testimony builder to me of the power God has. If we work hard and put our part out there first, God will take care of the rest.
Be safe and have another great week of summer,
Elder Graff
1 Nephi 1:1 "I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father"